After his guitar studies, Jimmie LeBlanc completed a double master degree in composition and musical analysis in the classes of Serge Provost at the Conservatoire de Montréal. All along his formation Jimmie LeBlanc worked with composers such as Armando Santiago, Denys Bouliane, John Rea, Alexander Raskatov, Cornelis de Bondt, Philippe Leroux, Mario Lavista et Benedict Mason. His music has been brilliantly performed by the NEM, the CIMC, the OFC, the Trio Fibonacci, and the Orchestre symphonique du CMM. The Sommet des Amériques, being held in april 2001 in Québec city, marked the occasion of an important happening: the concert [VWA] Réflexions poétiques et musicales sur la mondialisation, in which Jimmie LeBlanc got-together composers, musicians and poets from surroundings. In 2003, he write the music for the Shorts films Le Silence gourmand and Continuum. Now Teaching the guitar and the composition, he’s also part of the collectif Utopie_variable which includes video, dance/performance, and music.
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