Le Vivier is fully committed to promoting eco-responsible values and actions.

For a long time, the organization has been concerned about its impact, both in terms of concerts and cultural activities and within civil society. In recent years, we have developed several projects highlighting nature, which has reinforced our conviction that it is essential to actively participate in its preservation. The project Les Bruits de l'eau (2018-2019) was a true catalyst for Le Vivier.

This green charter, which is in line with a long-standing commitment, corresponds not only to the personal values of our employees, but also to the very essence of our structure.

Our Accreditations

We are signatories of the Charter of Eco-responsible Stage Artisans and we obtained the Eco-responsible Stage accreditation level Bronze * (2020-2022).

Then in 2022, the organization Artistes citoyens en tournée (ACT) awarded us the bronze level of accreditation for cultural companies at Groupe Le Vivier. This is the second organization to obtain ACT accreditation.

This accreditation is aimed at stage artists who wish to undertake a sustainable development approach (economic, social and environmental pillars). The process is user-friendly, adapted to the effervescent world of the cultural sector. It allows for structuring the integration of sustainable development and raises crucial reflections, thus opening the door to new perspectives and modes of management while fostering a sense of belonging for the teams in place. Thus, the community mobilizes through exchanges on best practices and forges strong links with the community.

(Reference from the website of the Conseil québécois des événements écoresponsables)

Logo de l'l’accréditation Scène Écoresponsable niveau Bronze.                         

Some examples of actions implemented at Le Vivier:

Within the team:
Develop an action plan updated annually
Prioritize local suppliers and second-hand purchases
Limit printing
Reduce email exchanges by prioritizing cloud work
Promote the 3R's: Reduce + Reuse + Recycle
Limit single-use items
Initiate projects involving the local public in the neighborhood

For members:
Reduce email exchanges by establishing a Members Area
Organize reflection workshops

For welcoming the public:
Prioritize QR codes rather than paper programs
Mention the presence of the water fountain
Encourage active transportation
Offer a vegetarian buffet during cocktails
Encourage public or active transportation to get to our concerts


Gabrielle Blais-Sénéchal
Charlotte Colin


If you would like to learn more about Le Vivier's commitment and/or accompany us in our eco-responsible and green charter commitment, please contact: info [at] levivier [dot] ca