Roxanne Turcotte | Artefacts II

Roxanne Turcotte | Artefacts2
Roxanne Turcotte | Artefacts2

Introspection, "cinemasonry" and sound archaeology are the central themes of this concert presented by artist Roxane Turcotte.

“We are in a living listening room, around a microcosm of musical objects, live performances, projected light and spatialized sound. Each inanimate element suddenly comes to life, associated with a musical work that tells a story, a passion, a fascination or simply luminous characters.”

The term “cinemasonry” in Roxanne Turcotte's electroacoustic music refers to a sound that surpasses the image through contemplative and sometimes subjective immersion, as well as the succession of overlapping audio planes. The artifacts evoke her sensory universe in the form of impressions, expressions, tributes and arguments. An archaeological incursion into thought, like a journey to the heart of the brain, however complex it may be.

The “choral film” form found in cinema is used to structure the works in the film production style. This technique is easily adapted to music, with polyphonic tracks that seem to move in all directions, with various subplots linked to different characters or “cult objects”. Themes interweave and clash, despite stories in which a single character seems to dominate. Others are grafted on. His music tells a story, leaving space for the imagination.


  • (Compositrice électroacoustique et claviériste, son esthétique musicale repose sur un art d’intégration à caractère cinématographique, souvent à saveur socio-politique, teintées de poésie et d’humour. Son travail mise essentiellement sur l’utilisation d’un support multicanal spatialisé, avec l’intégration d’improvisations dirigées en direct à partir de partitions illustrées, installations et un concept visuel.)
  • (Instrumentiste à vent)
  • François Doyon
    (Metteur en scène, concepteur visuel)
  • (supervision technique)





Salle Bleue | Édifice Wilder


Billet solidaire 35$
Billet régulier25$
Tarif réduit15$


Discussion post-concert

