
Under the artistic direction of Joane Hétu, this concert features a wind quintet (flute, clarinet, saxophones and trombone), a disparate ensemble of electric or synthetic instruments (synthesizers, oscillators, samplers and rigged percussion) and members of the Joker Choir, who come together to present four creations evoking the scattered pieces of our pandemic moods.

Démantibulé·e·s (Dismantled) is the state in which the COVID-19 pandemic has left us. Bruised, shaken, but still very much alive and far from insignificant. In this concert by the Ensemble SuperMusique and the Joker Choir, the works of Joane Hétu, Jean Derome and Maxime Corbeil-Perron speak to us of both the negative and beneficial effects of the crisis. In a joyful mix of instrumentation, voices and electronics, the show evokes the reappropriation and reconstruction of our lives





Espace orange | Édifice Wilder


Presale 20$
Regular 30$
Students, 65+ and
Vivier members


Tickets will go on sale gradually, depending on government announcements regarding the reopening of theatres.