Nour Symon & Ad Lib | I lost the Desert


Ad Lib presents "I Lost the Desert", an intense and immersive quintet by the Egyptian-Quebecer Nour Symon · نور سيمون for harmonica, oud, piano, violin and cello, as well as "The Great Thaw" by Montrealer Marc Hyland, for voice, electric guitar and tape.
The Great Thaw, Marc Hyland
on a text by Virginia Woolf
(14 min., 2022)
Vincent Ranallo; voice
Simon Duchesne; electric guitar
This music is part of a trilogy of pieces that integrate, more or less metaphorically, the issue of climate change and the dangers it creates. The score is a kind of recitative, sung by an alto or falsetto voice, on an excerpt from Virginia Woolf's Orlando, where a great thaw and the end of a love are represented by a terrible debacle, where the floods and ice carry away humans, animals, and objects, in a scene that also seems to offer a portent of the danger that lurks and already affects humanity, particularly with regard to the uncontrolled rise in temperatures and sea levels.
I Lost the Desert, Nour Symon · نور سيمون
(66 min., 2024)
Benjamin Tremblay-Carpentier; harmonica
Nadine Altounji, oud
Lynn Kuo; violin
Amahl Arulanandam; cello
Nour Symon; artistic and musical direction, composition and piano
To بيسان عودة [Bisan Owda], journalist and everyday heroine
I Lost the Desert is part of the ongoing inspiration I have drawn for many years from Nicole Brossard's novel "Le Désert Mauve," which I recently adapted into an opera. After wanting to depict through a large-scale musical device (3 voices and a large ensemble) the immensity of the desert and the intensity of Mélanie, the young protagonist of the novel, I return, through this new, more intimate composition, to the feeling of peace and tranquility that the first reading of Brossard's novel inspired in me in 2011.
Watch and listen
J'ai perdu le désert
Audiopollination – Nour Symon / Rod Campbell
Solidarity | 35$ |
Regular | 25$ |
Reduced | 15$ |
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