Mycelia (2022)

Program notes

A mycelium is a root-like system of a fungus, consisting of a mass of branching, thread-like structures. Mycelia are vital in both terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems due to their critical role in plant material decomposition. These networks can vary widely in magnitude: some smaller than the naked eye can see, others looming stretches of thousands of acres. Mycelia for piano quartet presents musical materials which recur as connective tissue across sections, forging surprising connections and evoking natural symbiotic relationships. With musical ideas that encapsulate both the fine, lacy threads of mycelia and hot, bubbling compost, the piece visits many corners of the natural world, presenting these contrasts in a comfy coexistence.


Year of composition




Concerts par oeuvres


Season Date Concert Member(s)
2022-23 CONCERT VIVIER INTERUNIVERSITAIRE Vivier InterUniversitaire (ViU)