Tim Brady + Martin Messier: 24 Frames — Trance

Photo of Tim Brady
Photo of Tim Brady

CD + DVD “24 Frames — Trance" (AM 203) launch concert by composer/guitarist Tim Brady and video artist Martin Messier.

“Electric guitarist Tim Brady used extensive electronics to create exuberant one-man ensembles, with video projections” — New York Times, 2010

“A stunning tour de force” — Stephen Pederson, Halifax Chronicle Herald

A concert for lovers of music without borders and of multimedia innovation. 24 Frames — Trance is a multimedia experience full of energy, of vibrant rhythms, of musical virtuosity and of captivating atmospheres. This is the 2nd collaboration by Brady and Messier, their first project, “My 20th Century”, was hugely successful in 2009.


  • : Strumming (Hommage à John Lennon) , 2005 (video by Tim Brady and Martin Messier) for electric guitar and video
  • : Red Melisma , 2000 for electric guitar and video
  • : GO , 1984 - 2006 for electric guitar and video


Multimedias and news

Les visionnaires; Xtc; Tim Brady + Martin Messier: 24 Frames — Trance; 20 Years of empreintes DIGITALes; Akousma (7): Soirée «acousmatique»



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