La Nuit blanche 2023 au Vivier

ILÉA performs Treatise by Cornelius Cardew

Affiche ILEA Cardew

Improvisation • Electroacoustics • Graphic scores

Affiche ILEA Cardew

Improvisation • Electroacoustics • Graphic scores

ILÉA, an electroacoustic improvisation ensemble, performs a colossal and founding work of graphic scores: Treatise by Cornelius Cardew.

Come and participate in a real experimental marathon where music becomes visible! A live score on a big screen, easy to access even if you are not a musician! Treatise by Cornelius Cardew is a graphic work that the ILÉA ensemble will literally show you by mixing classical and electro instruments. Stay for 15 minutes or the whole 3 hours, if you like: it's always moving!



  • Cornelius Cardew
    : Treatise , 1963 - 1967






Verrière | Conservatoire de Musique de Montréal


free and open to all

Communiqué de presse (FR)



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