Photo de Tomás Díaz Villegas

Tomás Díaz Villegas

Concerts par articles
Concerts par articles

Tomás Díaz Villegas is a doctoral candidate in instrumental composition at Université de Montréal (UdeM). He was Composer-in-Residence with the Nouvel ensemble moderne (NEM) for the period 2021-2023. His works have been performed by the NEM, Q-Arte (Colombia), CG Ensemble (Colombia), the Domaine Forget Contemporary Music Ensemble, Taller Sonoro (Spain), the UdeM Contemporary Music Ensemble, the UdeM Orchestra, Pentaèdre (Montreal), Cobalt (Montreal), Periscopio (Colombia) and EMCUC (Colombia), among others.

His work has been selected in various composition competitions organized by the National Bank of Colombia, the Colombian Circle of Contemporary Music, the Faculty of Music of UdeM, the Vivier InterUniversitaire (Montreal), the UdeM Composition Circle and the NEO Ensemble (Argentina). He has received scholarships from several institutions, including the OICRM, the UdeM Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies, the Faculty of Music of UdeM, Idartes (Colombia), Ibermusicas (Ibero-America), the Colombian Ministry of Culture and EAFIT University (Colombia).

He has studied with Ana Sokolović, Rodolfo Acosta, Leonardo Coral, Marco Alunno and Andrés Posada, and has been selected for masterclasses at several composition festivals and workshops with, among others, Marcos Franciosi, Fabián Panisello, Javier Álvarez, Dorothy Chang, Laurie Radford, Véronique Lacroix, Leon Gurvitch, Hannah Lash and Jocelyn Morlock.


Oeuvres par compositeur

Works already presented at Le Vivier