Taylor Brook

Taylor Brook

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Taylor Brook is a Canadian composer who has studied orchestration and composition with Brian Cherney, Denys Bouliane, Luc Brewaeys, Ana Sokolović, John Rea, and Sean Ferguson. In 2008, he spent two months of intensive study in Kolkata, India, with internationally acclaimed Hindustani musician Pandit Debashish Bhattacharya, studying raga performance in the North Indian tradition on the chaturangui, a 22-stringed non-tempered slide guitar. Taylor has received the “coup de cœur” prize from le Nouvel Ensemble Moderne for his chamber orchestra work, Murder Ballad, as well as three SOCAN Foundation young composers awards, including a first prize for his solo violin work, Vocalise. Taylor Brook’s music has been performed in North America and Italy by ensembles and soloists such as le Nouvel Ensemble Moderne, Quatour Bozzini, l’Orchestre de la francophonie canadienne, Danielle Cumming and Mira Benjamin. Taylor will participate in the upcoming Nouvel Ensemble Moderne Forum 2010, composing a new work to accompany the Nathalie Bujold film Les trains où vont les choses. Taylor will be living in Brussels, Belgium in 2011 to study orchestral composition with Luc Brewaeys with the aid of the Canada Council for the Arts.

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Taylor Brook