Photo de Sara Picavet

Sara Picavet

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Sara Picavet performs as a solo pianist or chamber musician with ensembles such as Hopper, the Tiptoe Company, the XXI Ensemble or “Sarrasine”, a new violin-piano duo with Céline Bodson in a more classical repertoire. She has been invited by various orchestras or chamber ensembles (Vlaamse Opera, Brussels Philharmonic, Musiques Nouvelles…). After graduating from the Brussels Conservatory (Jean-Claude Vanden Eynden), she received the 2004 Vocation grant and furthered her studies in contemporary music (MaNaMa, i.e. Master Na(after) Master, Ghent Conservatory). Since then, she has devoted herself to contemporary creation, in connection with the classical repertoire. She has released several CDs, including « En blanc et noir », cello and piano (2017 Octave de la musique contemporaine Award). She is also an assistant to classical dance classes (Lycée Martin V, Louvain-la-Neuve) and a piano teacher (Court-St-Etienne Academy, Walloon Brabant).

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