Ray Ellenwood

Concerts par articles
Concerts par articles

Retired professor of English, York University, author of ten books of translation, French-to-English, mostly of Québec literature, including the manifesto, Refus global, by the Montréal Automatist Movement. Besides a number of articles on the dancers, writers, and artists of that group, he has published Egregore: A History of the Automatist Movement of Montréal (1992). His work for Dance Collection Danse includes magazine and web publications on Jeanne Renaud and Françoise Riopelle.

Oeuvres par compositeur

Multimedias and news

Ray Ellenwood; Montréal / Nouvelles Musiques 2011: 50 ans de création musicale au Québec
Ray Ellenwood; Montréal / Nouvelles Musiques 2011: 50 ans de création musicale au Québec