Rafael Muñoz Gomez, fascinated by electronic music for years, has been playing as a DJ in Brussels (Belgium) since 2004. This passion for music, especially for the minimal techno movement, led him to get into the Conservatoire royal de Mons (Mons, Belgium) in the Acousmatic Composition class of Annette Vande Gorne. Rafael is keen on repetitive music, rhythm, sound features and the study in minute detail of it. Nowadays, he tries to base his work on a mix of all these elements.
He has played various experimental live dj performances in festivals such has “Festival Transnumériques”, “City Sonic”, “Festival Résonances”, “Museum Night Fever” at La Monnaie, the “MyMudam days” at the MUDAM, museum of Modern Art of Luxemburg, “La Nuit blanche” in Brussels at the old Marivaux Theatre.
In April 2014 he won the award of the best film score at the 30th edition of the “Festival du cinéma européen de Lille” for the short film “Welkom” by Pablo Muñoz Gomez. Rafael is also in charge of the acousmonium of Musiques & Recherches since January 2014.