Pierre Lapointe

Concerts par articles
Concerts par articles

Pierre Lapointe has been working for twenty years as a manager, consultant and trainer for creation, production and promotion organizations, mostly in stage arts. He graduated from Hautes études commerciales in Montréal in 1986. He has worked, among others, for Théâtre Parminou, Théâtre Périscope, Festival international de musique actuelle de Victoriaville, Ubu compagnie de création, and National Theatre School of Canada. He has also been on several juries and evaluation committees in various arts councils. Since 1999, he has completed over 50 consulting mandates.

Oeuvres par compositeur

Multimedias and news

Pierre Lapointe; Montréal / Nouvelles Musiques 2011: 50 ans de création musicale au Québec