Philippe Lauzier is a musician improviser, composer and an interdisciplinary artist. After studies in composition from 1998 to 2002, he dedicates much of his time to the art of improvisation on the saxophone, and later, the bass clarinet who becomes his instrument of predilection. He takes place in several tours and residencies in Canada, Europe, USA, Mexico, Australia and China, where he performs solo or with groups and collectives such as Sainct Laurens, Motel Helene, Quartetski, Not the Music, Ensemble SuperMusique among others. He also performs in concerts with many musicians including Isaiah Ceccarelli, Belinda Campbell, Martin Tétreault, Nicolas Caloia, Alexandre St-Onge, Kim Myhr, Franz Hautzinger, Xavier Charles, Jim Denley, Tatsuya Nakatani, John Butcher and Joe McPhee. In another spectrum, his interest for interdisciplinary and collaborative practices also led him to create sound installations for FIMAV 2014 & 2018; Mois Multi 2016 & 2019; a site-specific piece for Pointe-à-Callière’s Port Symphonies in Montréal; original music for cinema ( Cielo by Alison McAlpine) and dance ( Species by Kelly Keenan). Since 2015, Philippe has been creating works at the cross-road between music, sound and visual arts ( Le Parc est dans la boîte, Bleu Pénombre, Sept objets, Made in China) with the artist Frédérique Laliberté (Motel Hélène). On fifteen albums to his credit, he recently made three solo works, Transparence [Schraum, 2013], Dôme [Small Scale Music, 2016] and A pond in my living room [Sofa, 2017]. Philippe was an artist in residence at Centre Avatar in 2018 to create the piece Pianotissage (Pianoweaving), a transformed grand piano into a performative and generative sound sculpture.