Danielle Sauvage

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Concerts par articles

Executive director — Conseil des arts de Montréal

In 2002, Danielle Sauvage became managing director of the Conseil des arts de Montréal, a quasi-municipal organization that supports artistic creation, production and distribution in Montréal. She is an experienced manager of cultural institutions and was once in charge of the Canadian Centre for Architecture Foundation. For fourteen years, she held the position of director of communications and marketing at the Montréal Museum of Fine Arts.

A graduate in political science from the Université de Montréal, Danielle Sauvage has been a board member of a number of not-for-profit organizations, including the Centre canadien d’études et de coopération internationale (CECI) whose board she chaired for three years, and Culture Montréal which she helped to set up.

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