photo de Carlo Barbagallo

Carlo Barbagallo

Concerts par articles
Concerts par articles

Barbagallo is a sicilian self-taught musician & composer/arranger, sound engineer & producer. He always recorded his music, experimenting the possibilities of home & studio creative recording. Through his net label Noja Recordings he released his recordings. Founder member of bands with different styles (from “popular” to experimental & improvisation) published in Europe & USA; he also composed music for short movies & documentaries edited in France and collaborated in free musical expression laboratories with the aim to demonstrate the positive effects of a ludic, not-didactic, improvisational approach to music on creative and relational capabilites in children.

Since 2012 Barbagallo is particularly involved in the electro-acoustic music field. His electro-acoustic compositional research focused on spazialized acousmatic music, acoustic and electronic feedback, equipment and residual noise, dynamic environments for mixed music improvisation performances, improvisation and “programming-by-ear” as composition techniques, algorithmic tools for transformational processes on texts which generates music scores and sounds, creative re-use of historic electroacoustic materials, the aesthetic of “incomplete” musical forms, collective based composition, electric guitar and live electronics, experimental integreation between theatre and electroacoustic music.

Oeuvres par compositeur

Works already presented at Le Vivier