
As part of La Semaine du Neuf

Photo de l'ensemble collectif9
Photo de l'ensemble collectif9

An immersive music and video creation that deconstructs the music of an iconic composer.

Created by composers and video artists Myriam Boucher and Pierre-Luc Lecours for Montreal string nonet collectif9, Héros interweaves 18th-century musical ideas with the contemporary in a space blanketed by large-scale video projections. While sonically representative of electronic music, Héros invokes older musical styles with reworked quotations from music by the legendary Ludwig van Beethoven. As the music alternates between moments of melodic and harmonic beauty with aural and visual tension, the musicians navigate between the natural world and a constructed one, creating a dialogue between different aesthetics and musical currents.

The musicians of collectif9 occupy the space in different configurations, while video projections played in real time echo the music as much as they suggest its interpretation. With its amplified sounds, moving musicians, and projections travelling on the walls and floor, Héros is a strikingly immersive experience.



Multimedias and news

Heros / collectif9



Espace Orange | Édifice Wilder


Presale 28$
Regular 36$
Reduced (Students, Vivier Members, over 65s, etc.) 20$

PACKAGE Semaine du Neuf

PASS SEMAINE DU NEUF - Regular* 170$

PASS SEMAINE DU NEUF - Reduced* (Students, Vivier members, 65 years and older, etc.)



- All prices include taxes and service fees.
- Early bird rates are available until 48 hours before the concert.
- Regular rates are available 48 hours before the concert and at the venue.
- Neuf Week packages provide one ticket per concert, excluding installations.
-The promotion for 3 concerts applies directly in the shopping cart.




Heroic Light
Deconstructing and Reconstructing in Music and Video: Beethoven, but differently!
Hosted by: Jeffrey Stonehouse ; Guests: Pierre-Luc Lecours, Myriam Boucher, Thibault Bertin-Maghit and Andrea Stewart.

A presentation by collectif9 and Le Vivier as part of La Semaine du Neuf 2024.

La Semaine du Neuf is presented in collaboration with the Montreal cluster of cultural institutes from the member countries of the European Union (EUNIC), and with the support of the Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec, Conseil des arts de Montréal, Canada Council for the Arts, and the City of Montreal.

The Montreal cluster of EUNIC (European National Institutes for Culture) is led by the Goethe-Institut, Consulate General of France in Quebec in Montreal, Consulate General of Switzerland in Montreal, Pro Helvetia Foundation, Istituto Italiano di Cultura Montreal, Wallonie Bruxelles International and the Austrian Cultural Forum in Ottawa.

Broadcasting Partners: Agora and la danse, Tangente, le CIRMMT, La Chapelle Scènes contemporaines and the Conservatoire de Musique de Montréal.

Media Partners: PAN M 360