Harmonies inouïes

Visuel du concert Harmonies inouïes des Bozzini
Visuel du concert Harmonies inouïes des Bozzini

The Bozzini Quartet presents four world premieres by Canadian composers working with microtonal systems, including just intonation.

These four works encompass the imaginary folk melodies of Francis Battah, the homophonic textures of Bekah Simms, Paolo Griffin's exploration of density within tranquil music, and Gabriel Dufour-Laperrière's liminal approach inspired by kinetism.

Harmonies inouïes is the result—from initial sketches to final compositions—of the workshop residencies of the four creators with the Bozzini Quartet in 2023.





Salle Bleue | Édifice Wilder


Presale  28$
Regular 36$
Reduced (Students, Vivier Members, over 65s, etc.) 20$



- All prices include taxes and service charges
- Presale prices are available until 48 hours before the concert
- Regular prices are applied 48 hours before the concert and on site

Event presented in co-production with the Quatuor Bozzini

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