Longues distances (webcast)

Visuel of the show - clouds of many different colors

International • Emerging generation • Creation

Visuel of the show - clouds of many different colors

International • Emerging generation • Creation

Today, our social relationships are deeply disrupted, Quasar has decided to turn its gaze to their fellow musicians around the world. If land borders are closed, Quasar works to open those of contemporary music, artistic collaboration and shared passion. Presenting a completely new program composed of works premièred during international tours, the saxophone quartet offers an exploration into the typicality of music, a journey from Germany to Belgium, from Mexico to California! The journey is guided by the virtuosity of Quasar and the daring originality of young composers eager for innovation. Longues Distances promises to be a unique event in its genre.



Multimedias and news

Quasar | Longues Distances | 2021 | Extrait




Espace Orange | Édifice Wilder


Ticket :

Solidarity ticket (1)* : 15$
Solidarity ticket (2)* : 25$
Solidarity ticket (3)* : 40$

*Supporting the creation of digital content
