Montréal / Nouvelles Musiques 2011 → Urnos

Photo of the event
Photo of the event

In the 1940s, a stunning discovery shook the worlds of archeology and anthropology. It appeared that small tribes who lived on the fringes of Harappan civilization 3,000 years B.C. had developed a form of music notation.

A team of German ethnomusicologists even managed to transcribe one of the fragments found in modern notation.

Since then, new discoveries, especially those of American anthropologist Tom Blake, have contradicted the initial theories on these findings.

This will be the topic of a lecture by well-known scientific journalist Michel Rochon. A reenactment of a Urnossian ritual based on the latest theories will follow. We hope that this reconstitution will carry you, if only briefly, to the confines of a collective memory that might still be engraved in us.

Stage Director: Martine Beaulne; Music Director: Claire Gignac; Music: André Hamel; Artifacts and Instruments Reconstitution: Guy Laramée; Choreography: Geneviève Martin; Video Artist: Carole Nadeau; Lecture Text: Michel Rochon; Costumes Designer: Maryse Bienvenu; Lighting Designer: Guy Simard


  • Michel Rochon
    : Urnos , 2011 (spatialized version) for 6 musicians and dancer
     - premiere


  • Michel Rochon
    (speaker, science columnist)
  • Geneviève Martin
    (choreography, dance)
  • Frédérike Bédard
  • (conductor, contralto, reconstituted instruments)
  • Élise Guay
    (bagpipes, reconstituted instruments)
  • (bagpipes, reconstituted instruments)
  • (percussion)
  • Liette Remon
    (bagpipes, reconstituted instruments)

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Montréal / Nouvelles Musiques 2011: Urnos
Montréal / Nouvelles Musiques 2011: Urnos



Agora de la danse