Ligeti — de père en fils

Photo of Sixtrum
Photo of Sixtrum

If Gyorgy Ligeti is a 20th century music giant, his son Lukas is much less known. Lukas Ligeti’s work focuses on improvisation and electronic music.

Yet, listening to his percussion quartet Independence, one cannot help but notice that his father’s writing techniques and polyphonic interlacing form a strong foundation over which the son’s creativity takes foot. These polyphonies will echo John Rea’s Sixtrum-commissioned virtuoso transcriptions of a series of six splendid Etudes for piano. This programme will be rounded up by the song cycle Sippal, dobbal, nádihegedüvel and Sixtrum’s revisited version of the Poème symphonique’s 100 metronomes (1962).


  • Lukas Ligeti
    : Independence for percussion
  • György Ligeti
    : Quatre études , 1985 - 2001 (arr. John Rea, 2009-10) for 6 percussions
  • György Ligeti
    Sándor Weöres
    : Síppal, dobbal, nádihegedüvel , 2000
  • György Ligeti
    : Poème symphonique , 1962 for 100 metronomes

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Ligeti — de père en fils



Salle Claude-Champagne