In partnership with Université de Montréal’s Faculty of Music, Vidéographe and CIRMMT (Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Music Media and Technology), the 10th international Forum for young composers invites 8 young creators to compose works inspired by art videos.
: Cross-Around , 2010
Lu Wang - premiere -
: Trenes , 2010
Diego Soifer - premiere -
: Nocturne: Rituel , 2010
Hugo Ribeiro - premiere -
: Pemesu , 2010
Peiying Yuan - premiere -
: Yksi [kaksi] , 2010
Juan de Dios Magdaleno - premiere
Multimedias and news
Génération 2010: Concert; 2010 Forum — Music & Video Art: Concert 1; 2010 Forum — Music & Video Art: Concert 2: Remise des prix
Salle Claude-Champagne