20 Years of empreintes DIGITALes, Akousma (7) → Soirée «acousmatique»

Visual for the event
Visual for the event

Looks like electroacoustic music has cause to party these days. The mythic québécois label empreintes DIGITALes celebrates its 20th anniversary this year, Réseaux will turrn 20 next year, and musique concrète itself just celebrated its 60th anniversary.

These are all good reasons for Monty Adkins to celebrate with his wonderful [60]Project, in which 60 artists contributed (among them Francis Dhomont, Christina Kubisch, Tim Hecker and Christian Zanési, to name a few).

On this side of the Atlantic, Martin Bédard is one of the truest representatives of the acousmatic tradition, and it is with great pleasure that we present his first solo concert in Montréal!



Multimedias and news

Les visionnaires; Xtc; Tim Brady + Martin Messier: 24 Frames — Trance; 20 Years of empreintes DIGITALes; Akousma (7): Soirée «acousmatique»



Studio Hydro-Québec | Monument-National